No, you do not need to go to college to be successful, but trust me mates that degree helps a whole lot. Foreigners that do not have the papers to even qualify for financial aid make it, & you're on your ass with your citizenship? You boys are so blinded by these girls throwing their bodies at you, you fail to realize she has more chances of being successful than you. It is not a surprise women exploit themselves for money, & there are always successful men out there that will change her last name.
No WOMAN wants a broke man, so i suggest whatever talents you can exploit to draw attention to yourself, i suggest you start now. Rapping i agree is a talent, but unfortunately 70% of you think of it as a ticket to wealth. Let me be the first to kill that dream. As much exposure as you think you have, you're competing with another guy from who knows where with a stronger fan base. Odds are he won't make it either. Music is a lovely outlet, but do not confuse a hobby with a profession.